The association bears the name “Sorya” and is to be entered in the register of associations. After registration, it carries the addition "e.V."
The association is based in Hamburg.
The financial year of the association is the calendar year.
Der Verein hat seinen Sitz in Hamburg.
Das Geschäftsjahr des Vereins ist das Kalenderjahr.
The purpose of the association is to promote development aid in Cambodia. The purpose of the association is realized in particular by
- the construction of free schools and the remuneration of those working in these schools
the teacher.
- Measures to promote the livelihood of the destitute
- the promotion of medical care
The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the tax code.
The association is selflessly active; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.
Funds of the association may only be used for statutory purposes.
The members do not receive any profit shares and in their capacity as members also no other donations from the funds of the association. No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.
Any winnings serve exclusively the purpose of the association.
of the association to UNICEF for the purpose of promoting development aid. des Vereins an die UNICEF zwecks Förderung der Entwicklungshilfe.
All holders of association offices work on an honorary basis. Any decision on the change Before registering with the registry court, the competent fi- to submit to the nanzamt.rung der Satzung ist vor dessen Anmeldung beim Registergericht dem zuständigen Finanzamt vorzulegen.
The association obtains its funds to fulfill its tasks through:
a) Membership Fees
b) donations
c) Subsidies from public funds that can be applied for for non-profit associations.
Any natural person of legal age and any legal entity with an e-mail address can be a member of the association. Membership is acquired through a written application for membership. The application must be in text form (also possible online). It can be addressed to both the 1st and the 2nd chairman. Acceptance is decided upon by the board. The application should contain the name, age, occupation and address of the applicant. A rejected applicant has the right to call the next general assembly within one month of the announcement of the rejection decision; this makes the final decision within the association. There is no entitlement to admission.
Membership ends
a) upon the death of the member;
b) by voluntary resignation;
c) by being removed from the list of members;
d) by expulsion from the association.
Voluntary resignation takes place by means of a written declaration to the 1st chairperson. It can only take place at the end of the year and must be reported in writing by September 30th.
A member can be removed from the list of members by resolution of the board of directors if, despite two reminders, they are in arrears with the payment of the membership fee. The deletion may only be decided after three months have elapsed since the second warning letter was sent and the contribution debts have not been settled. The member must be informed of the deletion.
A member can be expelled from the association by resolution of the Board of Directors. Expulsion from the association is permissible if the member's behavior grossly violates the interests of the association or there is another important reason.
With the end of membership, all rights and obligations associated with membership expire. The expelled member has the right, within one month of the announcement of the expulsion, which must be sent by registered letter, to have the decision of the executive board reviewed by the next general assembly. This makes the final decision within the association. The membership rights are suspended until the decision is made.
Membership fees are collected. The amount of the annual contribution and when it is due are determined by the general assembly.
The organs of the association are the board of directors and the ordinary general assembly.
The board consists of the 1st chairman and the 2nd chairman as well as an assessor. The 1st chairman and the 2nd chairman form the board within the meaning of Section 26 of the German Civil Code. The 1st chairman and the 2nd chairman each represent the association alone
The Board of Directors is responsible for the affairs of the association.
The first chairman represents the association in and out of court in all association matters, if necessary in accordance with the resolutions of the general assembly.
Other tasks of the Board of Directors are above all:
Information obligations towards the members are communicated to the board of directors by e-mail or
The board of directors is elected by the general assembly for a period of five years, counting from the day of the election, with a simple majority of the votes cast.
Each board member is elected individually. Only club members are eligible. The 1st chairman must be in constant contact with the representation of the association in Cambodia and fly to Cambodia at least once a year. The second chairman must also be familiar with the situation there.
If a member of the Executive Board resigns during the term of office, the Executive Board elects a substitute member for the remaining term of office of the person who has left. The board remains in office until a new election.
Board members may be re-elected.
Instead of a general meeting, the board can convene a conference of members through electronic means of communication (online meeting). This has the same rights and obligations as a general assembly.
which must be signed by the leader and the minute taker.
In Angelegenheiten, die in den Zuständigkeitsbereich des Vorstands fallen, kann die Mitgliederversammlung Empfehlungen an den Vorstand beschließen. Der Vorstand kann seinerseits in Angelegenheiten seines Zuständigkeitsbereichs die Meinung der Mitgliederversammlung einholen
The extraordinary general meeting is to be convened if one third of the members request this in writing from the board, stating the reason. The board of directors is also entitled to convene an extraordinary general meeting.
The above statutes come into force with the entry in the register of associations at the District Court of Hamburg.
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