Social media like Facebook, Instagram and video platforms like Vimeo allow interested parties to have a clear idea of Sorya's activities in Cambodia. Above all, Facebook, the largest social network, is very popular in Cambodia. Our young employees use this medium to regularly report on their activities, draw the attention of their students to important information or simply share their latest experiences with the Facebook community. With our Facebook fan page you have the opportunity to follow the latest happenings, even if you don't have your own Facebook profile. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any more news.
When presenting new projects, we invested our time and work into filming short documentaries. Teachers, students or even neighbors were the protagonists of the stories. The documentaries can be accessed on the video platform at or integrated on our project page. Each film gives an excellent insight into the lives of our fellow human beings in the community - their families, their work, their homes, but also their wishes and hopes. The projects help to be part of the implementation of their wishes. The films give you the insight to be part of them, at least with your senses.
The pictures on our website have been an important part of our public relations work since the initiative was launched. The chronology shows very well how the development of the organization, the country and its people changed. The pictures were taken and made available by volunteers, visitors and the board itself.