
Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.

Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary

Sorya stands for cordial cooperation with a common goal:


open up new opportunities for people and to find, activate and promote the potential that lies within each of us.

We are thoroughly convinced that development can only be sustainable if we do not 'help' materially, but focus on people and their abilities in our partnership. Our cooperation is based on eye-to-eye interaction and aims to strengthen individual capacities on the ground. This is best achieved with comprehensive education beyond the boundaries of typical school education. In this way, the people we work with are empowered to lead themselves and their families into a better future and the surrounding communities are taken along on this journey. Our work is rooted in a deep connection to our fellow humans in Cambodia and an understanding of the specific cultural, historical, political, economic and social context. We work directly at the grassroots level. This approach allows us to take into account a variety of local factors, rather than taking a generic and unrealistic approach. We are an integral part of the communities in which we work and can thus respond to needs in a precise way. Our colleagues come from these communities themselves. They know the environment and enjoy local respect and trust.


We provide access to diverse and independent education, working together with our team, our students and the communities in which we are based to empower children, young people and adults to achieve their own goals.
