
I got to know Sorya through my work as chairperson of the board of the student initiative Weitblick e.V. at the time. Besides the regional projects, it was the largest international project that we supported financially. We particularly appreciated the trusting and transparent cooperation, and still do. Since we cannot always be on site in Cambodia, this was particularly important to us.

When I travelled through Asia after my studies, I naturally visited the schools in Tropang Tree and Tropang Stock. I was really excited to see that the schools are not only actively used by the children to learn English, but also form a place of community outside of the lessons. Talking to the local people made me realise that the initiative, for which we have always collected money, has become a central and important part of life there with its projects and offers the young people a perspective.

That is why I have remained loyal to Sorya even after my time at Weitblick and like to donate - here I know where my money goes, how it is used and that it really does something good.

Tina Coxilha Höltmann, former Chairwoman of the Board Weitblick e.v. Hamburg

Seit der Gründung in 2002, arbeitet wir sehr eng mit unseren Partnern an der Entwicklung der Standorte in Kambodscha zusammen. Investitionen im Bereich Schulbau, Infrastruktur und der breitflächigen, hygienischen Versorgung; sind mit finanziellen Mitteln dieser Träger von großer Bedeutung.

Through personal recommendation, contacts are established with long-term partnerships built on close trust and shared values. Sorya's transparency allows partners to see for themselves how projects are developing through visits to Cambodia and direct contact with local staff.

Soryas Transparenz ermöglicht es Partnern, selbst die Entwicklung der Projekte durch Besuche in Kambodscha und direkte Kontaktmöglichkeiten zu den Mitarbeitern vor Ort, zu erfahren.

We prefer to be in direct personal contact with our partners. Our staff give lectures in schools, universities, in small and large circles, to bring interested people closer to topics such as development cooperation, Cambodia and its history.

Projects were successfully completed in cooperation with the Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation (BMZ). We have a long-standing partnership with the German Red Cross to enable young people to gain formative experiences abroad through the BMZ's weltwärts programme.

With Weitblick e.V., Germany's largest student initiative, the partnership has developed into a great friendship that has borne fruit in many creative projects and has been a source of great joy for all involved for many years.